We treat

Shoulder problems

Elite Orthopedics investigates, treats, and rehabilitates issues and injuries in shoulders, so that you can continue to lead an active life

Biceps tendinosis

Biceps tendinosis is an inflammation of the biceps tendon that can cause pain and impaired function in the shoulder and arm. The condition can develop gradually over time due to overuse or injury, and it can be very troublesome for those who are physically active..

Risk för överbelastning och därmed ont i axeln förekommer i många idrotter. Det gäller framför allt när idrottaren använder handen och armen ovanför huvudhöjd, exempelvis i kastidrotter som handboll och spjut samt i olika racketsporter som tennis och squash.

Orsaken till bicepstendinos är oftast plötsliga förändringar i hur axeln används. Det kan vara en kraftigt ökad träningsmängd, felaktig teknik eller ändrade träningsmetoder som utsätter axeln för stor och ovan belastning. Det är bicepsmuskelns långa sena eller den närliggande supraspinatusmuskelns sena som är involverade. Hos framför allt äldre män kan bicepssenan vara utsatt för åldersförändringar och om den då utsätts för plötslig överbelastning, t.ex. vid snöskottning eller när man drar igång gräsklipparen, kan den gå av.

Common symptoms include pain in the front of the shoulder, weakness when lifting or bending the arm, and stiffness in the shoulder joint.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

Traditional treatments for biceps tendinosis include rest, ice therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. Recently, biological treatments have become a popular alternative to conventional methods.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address biceps tendinosis, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the tendon to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged tendon. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal tendon function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

Welcome to book a consultation.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Regain your freedom

Impingement syndrome

Impingement syndrome, also known as shoulder impingement, is a condition where the rotator cuff tendons or bursa in the shoulder get pinched between the humerus and the acromion of the shoulder blade. This causes pain and inflammation

Impingement (inklämning) är ett smärtsyndrom med smärta i axel och överarm på grund av klämda vävnader, och är en vanlig orsak till smärta och ont i axlarna. Syndromet beror på trängsel mellan ledkulan i överarmen och skulderbladstaket som ofta leder till en irritation i slemsäcken under skulderbladstaket. Ibland får man också en inflammation i slemsäcken vilket leder till ytterligare smärta.

Att det blir trångt i axeln har ofta flera orsaker som sammantaget ger bekymmer. Det kan röra sig om svullnad i en slemsäck, åldersförändringar i leder och ligament eller att man från början har ett trångt utrymme i axelleden.

Common symptoms include pain when lifting or moving the arm, shoulder weakness, and nighttime pain that can disrupt sleep.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

At  Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address Impingement, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the tendon to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged tendon. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal tendon function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

Welcome to book a consultation

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Rotator Cuff Tear

Rotator cuff tear is an injury to one or more of the tendons in the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint.

Det inre lagret av de två muskellager som omger skuldran brukar kallas rotatorkuffen. Ledkulan i axeln omges av senor och muskler som bidrar till stabilitet i axeln, men som också har en viktig funktion för att kunna röra armen. Skador på senorna i det inre muskelskiktet är relativt vanligt och kallas rotatorkuffruptur eller rotatorkuffbrott.

Senorna i rotatorcuffen kan skadas dels i samband med impingement, det vill säga att mjukdelar kläms ihop i axeln, och dels vid någon form av trauma mot axelleden till exempel vid en fallolycka. Detta kan medföra att en eller flera senor skadas eller helt går av (ruptur). Rotatorkuffruptur är ofta en förlängning av impingementsyndrom, alltså när inklämningen av mjukdelarna i axeln har gått så långt att senan brister (se texten om impingement).

Common symptoms include shoulder pain, especially when lifting or rotating the arm, shoulder weakness, and limited range of motion

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address Rotator Cuff Tear, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the tendon to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged tendon. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal tendon function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

Welcome to book a consultation

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Regain your quality of life

Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Shoulder osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease affecting the cartilage in the shoulder joint, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility.

Axelleden består av flera ben som med hjälp av ligament och muskulatur kan röra sig fritt i flera olika plan och utföra lyft, vridas mm. I axelleden finns det flera benändar som möts, vilka alla är beklädda med tunt brosk. Dessa ändar kallas för ledytor och brosket, så kallat ledytebrosk, fungerar som en glidyta i axelleden. Vid artros är ledytebrosket skadat vilket ger ökad friktion och funktionen i axelleden blir därmed försämrad.

Artros i axeln är som all artros en ålderssjukdom. Det finns emellertid olika faktorer som kan öka risken för artros i axelleden, till exempel skador i axeln eller om axeln gått ur led tidigare. Axelledsartros är inte lika vanligt som artros i knä eller höft. Den drabbar män och kvinnor i ungefär samma utsträckning, och de flesta som får axelledsartros är över 65 år.

Common symptoms include pain that worsens with activity, stiffness especially in the morning or after rest, swelling in the shoulder joint, and reduced range of motion

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address shoulder osteoarthritis, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the joint to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged joint. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing of shoulder osteoarthritis. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal joint function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes. Dr. Ferm has been practicing these methods for eight years, aligning with recent research findings.

Additionally, we are happy to assist you with fascia treatment and recovery.

Welcome to book a consultation

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Shoulder instability

Shoulder instability is a condition where the shoulder joint is loose or frequently dislocates, causing pain, weakness, and a feeling of instability. It can result from repeated shoulder dislocations, overuse, or congenital factors.

Jämte smärta med ont i axeln är instabilitet det vanligaste axelproblemet. Instabilitet med upprepade besvär är vanliga inom idrotten, antingen i form av luxation (axeln går helt ur led) eller subluxation, som innebär en instabilitetskänsla där det känns som att axeln går delvis ur led men hoppar tillbaka av sig själv.

Luxation sker ofta hos unga, aktiva individer under 30 år. Det vanligaste skadesättet är när armen är ovanför huvudet, som vid en kaströrelse, och en yttre kraft läggs på som drar armen ytterligare bakåt. Ibland sker luxationerna i samband med fall med utsträckt arm.

När luxationen sker på personer över 30 år är det oftast i kombination med andra typer av skador, som frakturer i skuldran eller en så kallad rotatorcuffskada (se text om rotatoruffsruptur). Det finns också personer som är födda med en överrörlig axelled som konsekvent upplever subluxationer utan speciellt mycket smärta. Instabilitet kan förekomma i flera riktningar, vanligast är framåt, men även bakåt och neråt förekommer.

Common symptoms include pain during movement, a sensation that the shoulder may slip out of place, weakness, and limited range of motion.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address shoulder instability, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the joint to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged joint. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal joint function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes.


Additionally, we are happy to assist you with fascia treatment and recovery.


Welcome to book a consultation

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. The condition usually develops gradually and can take months to years for full recovery

Frozen shoulder, även kallat frusen axel eller frusen skuldra, är ett smärttillstånd som är vanligast förekommande i åldern 40-60 år. Frozen shoulder innebär att smärtan över tid övergår i försämrad rörelseförmåga – axeln stelnar till. Orsaken till detta är att ledband och ledkapseln, som innesluter axelleden, krymper och förtjockas, vilket minskar axelledens rörelseförmåga och man får ont i axlarna.

Frozen shoulder har ett så kallat trifasiskt förlopp, där man går igenom tre faser innan besvären försvinner av sig själva. Genomsnittlig tid för hela förloppet från besvär till fullständig läkning med smärtfrihet och full rörlighet är cirka två år. Bakomliggande orsaker är inte helt kartlagda. Oftast kommer syndromet spontant, men det kan också bero på ett tidigare trauma på axeln. Man vet att diabetiker och kvinnor har en ökad risk.

Risk för överbelastning och därmed ont i axeln förekommer i många idrotter. Det gäller framför allt när idrottaren använder handen och armen ovanför huvudhöjd, exempelvis i kastidrotter som handboll och spjut samt i olika racketsporter som tennis och squash.

Orsaken till bicepstendinos är oftast plötsliga förändringar i hur axeln används. Det kan vara en kraftigt ökad träningsmängd, felaktig teknik eller ändrade träningsmetoder som utsätter axeln för stor och ovan belastning. Det är bicepsmuskelns långa sena eller den närliggande supraspinatusmuskelns sena som är involverade. Hos framför allt äldre män kan bicepssenan vara utsatt för åldersförändringar och om den då utsätts för plötslig överbelastning, t.ex. vid snöskottning eller när man drar igång gräsklipparen, kan den gå av.

Common symptoms include pain in the front of the shoulder, weakness when lifting or bending the arm, and stiffness in the shoulder joint.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

Traditional treatments for biceps tendinosis include rest, ice therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. Recently, biological treatments have become a popular alternative to conventional methods.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer three primary biological treatments to address biceps tendinosis, especially for those who have had unsuccessful conservative treatments or wish to avoid surgery:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP involves drawing blood from the patient, centrifuging it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting it back into the tendon to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP MAX): ACP MAX is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins. This can provide even stronger healing effects and faster recovery.

– Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue and injecting them into the damaged tendon. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Scientific reviews support the effectiveness of biological treatments such as PRP, ACP MAX, and stem cell therapy in promoting the natural healing. These methods can provide long-lasting and sustainable results, restoring normal tendon function and improving quality of life.

At Elit Ortopedi, we, along with Dr. Ferm, are highly specialized in using ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injections to precisely place treatments for maximum healing. We also have expertise in customizing the right amount and frequency of biological treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes. 

Welcome to book a consultation.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.