
PRP - Platelet-Rich Plasma - uses the body's own material to treat orthopedic problems.


Discover the Future of Healing: PRP Treatment at the Forefront at Elit Ortopedi

What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a revolutionary treatment that harnesses the body’s natural healing power. By injecting a concentrated dose of your own blood plasma, rich in growth factors, directly into the injured area, PRP promotes cell regeneration, reduces inflammation, and alleviates pain. Whether you’re dealing with sports injuries, degenerative joint conditions, or tendon issues, and is an excellent alternative when conservative treatments have failed or when surgery is to be avoided. PRP offers a non-surgical solution that accelerates recovery and enhances your quality of life.

Benefits of PRP

Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive: Experience quick recovery with minimal risk.

Natural Healing: Leveraging your body’s own resources for optimal results.

Pain and Inflammation Reduction: Growth factors in PRP target and alleviate affected areas.

Backed by Science


Scientific studies have consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of PRP treatments, particularly for conditions such as knee osteoarthritis and meniscus injuries. Patients experience significant pain relief and improved function, making PRP a trusted and well-tolerated option for many


Ideal Candidates for PRP

PRP can work well for a variety of conditions. Patients there conservative treatment has failed and who may otherwise need surgery are ideal for PRP injection treatment. PRP is used also to a large extent in sports medicine, because it can speed up recovery and return to activity. Our surgeons at Elit Ortopedia is happy to discuss the possibility of PRP-injection treatment with you.

Tendon problems:

Tennis/golf elbow
Subacromial impingement – discomfort in the shoulder, painful to lift with arms
Partial rupture of the Rotator cuff
Reinforcement of rotator cuff repairs

Joint problems:

Pain and stiffness from joint degeneration
Cartilage defects
Patients who may wish to postpone or avoid joint replacement
Patients who may not be suitable for joint replacement.

Take the first step towards a pain-free life. Book a consultation to explore our biological treatments and find out how PRP can benefit you. Consultation fee: 2000 SEK

Björn Becksmo

Björn Becksmo is a well-known sports presenter on TV, and he has played sports all his life. Björn has long had problems with his shoulders and knees and has now received PRP treatments at Elit Ortopedia.

Alex Danielsson

Alex Danielsson on tyngre has had a PRP treatment for his bad knee with osteoarthritis. Here he talks about the treatment and how he planned his rehabilitation.

"I wanted to avoid hip surgery"​

Maria Strindler was in great pain due to osteoarthritis in her hip after a fall accident. - Unfortunately, the hip would gradually get worse and then the alternative would be a hip joint operation.

Questions and Answers

It is completely individual and determined during the consultation.
All depending on the type of tissue and the extent of the damage.

The procedure is performed in our treatment room. We take a 15 ml blood sample
from a vein in your arm. When the PRP is ready, the current comes
the area is cleaned with an antiseptic solution. PRP comes next
to be injected into the joint or tendon under ultrasound guidance. Whole
the procedure takes about 15 minutes.

A small dressing will cover the injection site. You go home
Immediately. You may experience pain for the first 24-48 hours after
the treatment. An ice pack or simple pain relievers like
Paracetamol is usually sufficient.

Since mild pain is common after the treatment, it is best to take
calm for a couple of days. You can then start moving according to what
possible pain allows.

PRP stimulates a powerful healing response, which takes time
to give effect. As a rule of thumb, you should notice an improvement in your
symptoms within 2-6 weeks after treatment. Research suggests
that the improvement can continue up to 6-9 months.

You will need physical training to support
the rehab process.

Yes. Because PRP only contains concentrated parts of your
own blood, the treatment is very safe. Some patients can
experience mild discomfort for 1-2 days after the injection. Infection is one
very rare problem and accidental damage to nerves or vessels in
proximity is very rare.

Patients with blood abnormalities such as anemia or low platelet count are not suitable
for PRP injection treatment. In the presence of acute infection or active cancer, it is best
not to use PRP.

NSAIDs can suppress the effects of the growth factors i
The PRP injection. You should therefore stop taking NSAIDs for 7 days before and 2
months after the injection. Common NSAIDs are Voltaren, Ibuprofen,
Nurofen and Naproxen.