We treat

Knee problems

Knee problems are common across all ages. Elit Ortopedi investigates and treats all types of knee issues.

Runner's Knee

Runner’s knee is one of the most common causes of knee pain. It occurs when the tendon running along the outside of the thigh and knee becomes overstrained and causes pain in the knee. Runner’s knee accounts for approximately one-quarter of all running injuries, making it the most common injury for runners.

The symptoms of runner’s knee can vary but often include pain on the outside of the knee, especially during running or other physical activities. There can be a feeling of the knee “locking up” or giving way, and tenderness and inflammation along the outside of the thigh. Sometimes, there is swelling over the affected area. Pain often worsens with downhill running or after prolonged sitting

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

Today, there are effective treatments for runner’s knee, and at Elit Ortopedi, you can receive help without any waiting time. The treatment for runner’s knee aims to reduce pain and inflammation and improve knee function

Biological Treatments:

Biological treatments, such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, use components from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation.

Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max is an advanced form of PRP therapy with a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors to further enhance the healing process.

Stem cell therapy can be used to regenerate damaged tissue and improve the function of the IT band.


Surgical Treatments:

In rare cases, if conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, surgery may be considered to release or lengthen the IT band.


What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.

Welcome to book an appointment for a consultation and evaluation of your knee


Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome

Being able to run without restrictions gives a strong sense of freedom.

Her sense of freedom radiates with every step she takes.

Meniscal Injuries

he meniscus is a crescent-shaped cartilage disk in the knee that acts as a shock absorber between the femur and tibia. Meniscal injuries often occur due to twisting or sudden movements of the knee and are common among athletes but can also affect older individuals due to degenerative changes.

Meniskskador är mycket vanliga och drabbar framför allt vuxna. Skador på den inre menisken (mediala) är den absolut vanligaste, men man kan också ha bristningar i den yttre menisken (laterala). Skadorna hos yngre vuxna beror ofta på vridvåld i samband med idrott, samma orsak som för korsbandsskada, och dessa kallas traumatisk meniskskada. Meniskskada hos äldre uppstår ofta vid obetydligt våld, exempelvis om man slår knät i en stolskarm, och är en följd av en åldersrelaterad försvagning av meniskstrukturen. Detta kallad degenerativ meniskskada.

The symptoms of a meniscal injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Common symptoms include pain in the knee, especially during twisting movements, along with swelling and stiffness. A meniscal injury may also cause the knee to “lock up” or prevent it from fully straightening. Additionally, there may be a reduced range of motion and a sense of instability in the knee

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management

The treatment of a meniscal injury aims to relieve pain and restore knee function. Treatment options include:

Biological Treatments or Surgery

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections: PRP uses components from your own blood to stimulate tissue repair and reduce inflammation. The treatment involves drawing a small amount of blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting it into the injured area. PRP is less invasive and can be a good option for certain types of meniscal injuries.

Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max: ACP Max is an advanced form of PRP therapy. It involves a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors, which can further enhance the healing process. This treatment is particularly effective for chronic or hard-to-treat meniscal injuries.

Stem Cell Therapy: This treatment uses stem cells, usually harvested from your own bone marrow or adipose tissue, to aid in the regeneration of damaged tissues. Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, making them a powerful tool for repairing meniscal injuries.



For more severe or persistent meniscal injuries, surgical intervention may be necessary. There are several surgical options available:

Meniscectomy: This procedure involves removing the damaged part of the meniscus. It can be performed arthroscopically, which is minimally invasive and allows for a quicker recovery.

Meniscus Repair: If the injury is located in a part of the meniscus with good blood supply, it can sometimes be repaired with sutures. This procedure also uses arthroscopy and aims to preserve as much of the meniscus as possible.

Meniscus Transplantation: In cases where the meniscus is severely damaged and cannot be repaired, a meniscus transplantation may be considered. This involves replacing the damaged meniscus with donor tissue


What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.


At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.


Welcome to book an appointment for a consultation and evaluation of your knee

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome

Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in the knee joint has thinned and can no longer withstand the same level of stress it once did. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility

Knäledsartros, gonartros, är en degenerativ sjukdom som är ganska vanlig bland äldre och ökar med stigande ålder. Kvinnor drabbas nästan dubbelt så ofta som män. Normalt sett utvecklas artrosen successivt under lång tid genom att ledbroskets struktur förändras och blir mindre motståndskraftigt mot belastning.

Knäledsartros beror antingen på förändringar som är åldersrelaterade, eller på vissa direkta faktorer. Dessa faktorer kan vara skador i leden, anatomiska oregelbundenheter eller inflammatoriska ledsjukdomar. Tidigare meniskskada är en av de absolut främsta riskerna för att utveckla knäledsartros, men också frakturer och ligamentskador är många gånger orsak till sjukdom i brosket. Med stor sannolikhet finns det också en ärftlig påverkan. Förekomst av knäledsartros är vanligare hos individer som har varit aktiva i olika kontaktidrotter, som fotboll eller rugby.

In knee osteoarthritis, the most common initial symptom is pain during weight-bearing activities involving the knee joint. Since approximately 90% of knee osteoarthritis is medial, meaning it affects the inside of the knee, the pain typically manifests in that area. In more advanced stages of knee osteoarthritis, the increased misalignment of the knee can lead to instability, pain during weight-bearing activities, and difficulty walking longer distances. Pressing on the joint line of the knee often reveals tenderness, and in some cases, one might hear a crackling sound from the joint, known as crepitus.


In medial knee osteoarthritis, the knee tends to become bow-legged (varus), while in lateral osteoarthritis, affecting the outside of the knee, the knee may become knock-kneed (valgus). In advanced osteoarthritis, deformities of the knee may also be observed. The extent to which osteoarthritis impacts daily life varies, but it can cause significant suffering and severely reduced quality of life.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

The treatment for knee osteoarthritis aims to relieve pain and improve knee function. Treatment for osteoarthritis may include a combination of lifestyle changes, pain-relieving medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. Biological treatments, such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), ACP Max, and stem cell therapies, can also be used to promote healing and reduce inflammation. These biological treatments are scientifically proven and have studies that show good results.

– PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): PRP treatments use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. The platelets contain growth factors that accelerate the healing process.

– ACP Max (Autologous Conditioned Plasma Max): ACP Max is an advanced form of PRP with a higher concentration of growth factors, further accelerating the healing process and improving outcomes.

– Stem Cell Therapies: Stem cell therapies use the body’s own stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and enhance healing. The stem cells can transform into various types of cells depending on the body’s needs, making them highly effective in treating osteoarthritis.

For more severe cases of knee osteoarthritis, surgical treatments may be necessary. Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure to remove loose cartilage fragments or repair damaged tissue. Osteotomy is a surgical procedure to reshape the bone and relieve pressure on the damaged part of the knee. In advanced stages, knee replacement surgery might be required to replace all or part of the knee joint, providing significant pain relief and improved function.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.

Welcome to book an appointment for a consultation and evaluation of your knee.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Don't let your osteoarthritis hold you back from living life to the fullest

From diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation

ACL/PCL Injuries

ACL/PCL injuries involve damage or tearing of one of the two cruciate ligaments in the knee – the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). These ligaments are crucial for the knee’s stability and function

I de flesta fall uppstår en korsbandsskada på grund av vridvåld, det vill säga en kraftig vridning av knät. De flesta som råkar ut för en korsbandsskada är idrottsligt aktiva i åldrarna 20-50 år. Korsbandsskador uppstår vanligtvis i fotbollsmatcher eller i samband med fall under utförsskidåkning. Av de två korsbanden som finns i knät, det främre och det bakre, är det oftast det främre som helt eller delvis går sönder.

The symptoms of an ACL/PCL injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury and often include a sudden “pop” feeling or sound in the knee at the time of injury, rapid swelling within a few hours after the injury, and instability in the knee, especially during weight-bearing activities. Pain can range from mild to severe, and there can be a reduced range of motion, making it difficult to bend or straighten the knee.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management

Biological treatments offer advanced options for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair. Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, an advanced form of PRP therapy, contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors to further enhance the healing process. Stem cell therapy is another innovative approach, using stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and improve knee function. These biological treatments are performed at Elit Ortopedi.


For more severe injuries, surgical treatments may be necessary. ACL/PCL reconstruction involves replacing the damaged ligament with a graft, which is usually a tendon from another area of the body or a donor. Arthroscopic surgery at Elit Ortopedi, a minimally invasive technique, can also be used to repair or reconstruct damaged cruciate ligaments.


What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.


At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.


Welcome to book an appointment for a consultation and evaluation of your knee.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome

Jumper´s knee

Jumper’s knee, or patellar tendinitis, is a condition characterized by a wear-and-tear injury in one of the knee’s tendons, specifically the patellar tendon. This tendon connects the kneecap (patella) to the shinbone (tibia) and is crucial for activities that involve jumping, running, and other high-impact movements.

Inom alla idrotter där löpning och hopp ingår, som exempelvis handboll, höjdhopp och fotboll, är hopparknä en av de vanligaste diagnoserna. När knäsenan utsätts för kraftig belastning och/eller snedbelastas upprepade gånger på grund av oergonomiska rörelsemönster uppstår en skada på den övre delen av senfästet.

För de flesta kommer den första smärtan i samband med ett hopp, ett lyft, en landning eller efter ett hårt träningspass, men för andra kommer smärtan gradvis. Initialt får man en period av inflammation i övre delen av knäsenan som sedan åtföljs av problem, oftast långvariga sådana, med ärrbildning.

The symptoms of jumper’s knee can vary in intensity and may include pain and tenderness around the patellar tendon, typically just below the kneecap, swelling and inflammation in the affected area, stiffness in the knee, especially after physical activity or prolonged periods of inactivity, weakness in the knee, making it difficult to perform everyday activities like climbing stairs or squatting, and a sensation of the knee giving way during physical activities.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of jumper’s knee is made through a comprehensive evaluation that includes a discussion about the patient’s symptoms, activity level, and any previous knee injuries, as well as an assessment of the knee’s range of motion, strength, and areas of tenderness. Ultrasound or MRI can be used to visualize the patellar tendon and confirm the diagnosis, as well as to rule out other potential causes of knee pain.

Treatment at Elit Ortopedi aims to reduce pain, promote healing, and restore function.

Biological treatments offer advanced options for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections utilize components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair. Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, an advanced form of PRP therapy, contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors to further enhance the healing process. Stem cell therapy is another innovative approach, using stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and improve knee function. These biological treatments are performed at Elit Ortopedi.


For more severe cases, surgical treatment may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include procedures to remove damaged tissue, stimulate healing, and restore function. After treatment, a tailored rehabilitation program, often involving physical therapy, ensures the best possible recovery and helps patients return to their daily activities with improved quality of life.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome

Chronic compartment syndrome

Chronic compartment syndrome is a condition that occurs when there is increased pressure within one of the muscle compartments of the body, typically in the legs. This increased pressure reduces blood flow, which can result in pain and muscle damage. Unlike acute compartment syndrome, which is a medical emergency, chronic compartment syndrome usually develops gradually and is often related to repetitive physical activities such as running or cycling.

Sjukdomen förekommer oftast hos idrottare som tränar löpning och spänstträning, till exempel i handboll och fotboll, men även inom styrkeidrotter som tyngdlyftning. Den är absolut vanligast i underbenen.

Hos vissa individer kan muskelsäckarna vara trånga och strama. När muskeln jobbar hårt, till exempel i samband med löpning, sväller den något på grund av det ökade blodflödet. Om muskelsäcken är trång stiger trycket i muskeln och blodkärlen kan då tryckas ihop så att blodet inte kan passera förbi. Musklerna drabbas då av ”håll” (ischemi eller syrebrist) och man får ont i benet.

Orsaken är förmodligen den snabba ökningen av muskelvolym i samband med intensiv träning. Den relativt oflexibla muskelfascian (bindväven) sträcks inte ut tillräckligt i förhållande till musklerna.

The symptoms of chronic compartment syndrome often include aching, burning, or cramping pain in a specific area (usually the lower leg), tightness and swelling in the affected compartment, numbness or tingling in the affected area, weakness of the affected muscle group, and symptoms that typically start with exercise and subside with rest.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management

Treatment at Elit Ortopedi aims to alleviate symptoms, reduce pressure, and restore function. Non-surgical treatments include rest and activity modification to avoid activities that trigger symptoms and allow the muscles to recover. Physical therapy involves specific exercises to strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, and promote blood flow. Fasciatherapy, a specialized form of manual therapy, can help release tension in the fascia and reduce compartment pressure. Pain relievers, such as NSAIDs or other medications, help manage pain and inflammation. Additionally, movement exercises designed to improve mobility and reduce muscle tightness are incorporated into the treatment plan.

Biological treatments offer advanced options for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections utilize components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair. Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, an advanced form of PRP therapy, contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors to further enhance the healing process. Stem cell therapy is another innovative approach, using stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and improve muscle function. These biological treatments are performed at Elit Ortopedi.

For more severe cases, surgical treatment may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include fasciotomy, a procedure that involves making small incisions in the fascia to relieve pressure and improve blood flow. After treatment, a personalized rehabilitation program, often involving physical therapy and guided exercises, ensures the best possible recovery and helps patients return to their daily activities with improved quality of life.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome


Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome