Hyaluronic acid

Viscose supplementation

What is Hyaluronic Acid ?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural component of the fluid that lubricates the joints. The injection is like a thick jelly of concentrated hyaluronic acid that reinforces and supports the natural joint lubricant, resulting in pain relief. At Elit Ortopedia, HA is used in combination with PRP treatment for osteoarthritis.

How does it work?

This is an injection treatment with an agent called hyaluronic acid (HA).

The patient will receive an injection into the affected tissue structure under ultrasound guidance. This can be done on an outpatient basis and only takes a few minutes. You are ready to go home soon after the injection. The effect can last up to 6 months and the injection can then be repeated. Viscosity Supplement with hyaluronic acid does not cure osteoarthritis and has no regenerative effect on joint cartilage. It is therefore more likely that the treatment will provide a good effect for patients with mild or mild to moderate osteoarthritis or in combination with PRP for more severe degrees of osteoarthritis.

Questions and answers about Hyaluronic acid

Viscosity Supplementation can work well for patients with joint pain due to mild or mild to moderate osteoarthritis or in combination with PRP for all degrees of osteoarthritis.

Infection and allergic reactions are rare complications.

Treatment with HA has documented a good effect, but not for all patients. Most patients notice an improvement in their symptoms within the first 2 weeks after the injection. The effect can last for several months. The treatment can be repeated if the effect of the initial injection has been good. The best documented effect is seen when combined with PRP.

This is individual and determined after the consultation. It all depends on whether hyaluronic is to be used as the only treatment method or in combination with PRP.

Lighter pain may be experienced in the injected structure for a couple of days. Cooling with cold packs and simple pain relievers usually provides adequate relief. You can then start moving without further restrictions. You can continue with physical therapy/rehabilitation one week after the injection.