We treat

Hip issues

There can be many different reasons for experiencing hip pain. Elit Ortopedi investigates, treats, and rehabilitates most of common hip issues, enabling you to maintain an active life.

Impingement – CAM FAI

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), particularly the CAM type, is a hip joint condition where abnormal bone growth on the femoral neck (CAM lesion) causes the bone to rub against the acetabulum (hip socket). This leads to pain and limited mobility in the hip joint. CAM FAI is common in younger, active individuals and can lead to damage to the articular cartilage and labrum (hip labrum).

Impingement är ett så kallat inklämningssyndrom och benämns även FAI (Femoroacetabular Impingement), eller CAM FAI, där CAM är en beskrivning av den delen av höftkulan som fått en förändring. Vid impingement kommer strukturer kring höftleden i kläm vilket gör att man får ont i höften. Det finns flera olika strukturer i höften som kan beröras, men ofta är det någon av ledens mjukdelar som kläms och även skadas.

Man vet inte säkert vad som orsakar impingement, men man tror att bland annat hög belastning av höften i unga år, när benstrukturen fortfarande är under utveckling, ger förändringar i tillväxtzonen på ledpannan eller lårbenshalsen. Även externa och genetiska faktorer kan ha påverkan. Impingement är relativt vanligt hos både män och kvinnor, även om något fler kvinnor drabbas. Idrottare verkar vara särskilt utsatta och det gäller främst personer som börjat idrotta i unga åldrar och som regelbundet belastar höften. Vissa idrotter är överrepresenterade, till exempel fotboll, hockey och gymnastik.

The symptoms of CAM FAI include pain in the groin or hip, especially when sitting or during activities involving hip flexion and rotation. Other symptoms may include stiffness, clicking or locking in the hip, and reduced range of motion

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of CAM FAI is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the hip. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as X-rays, MRI, CT, or ultrasound, to identify the bone growth and assess damage to the cartilage and labrum.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage CAM FAI. 


Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, and Angel ACP, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on CAM FAI. These biological treatments are scientifically proven and have studies that show good results.


– PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): PRP treatments use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. The platelets contain growth factors that accelerate the healing process.

– ACP Max (Autologous Conditioned Plasma Max): ACP Max is an advanced form of PRP with a higher concentration of growth factors, further accelerating the healing process and improving outcomes.

– Stem Cell Therapies: Stem cell therapies use the body’s own stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and enhance healing. The stem cells can transform into various types of cells depending on the body’s needs, making them highly effective in treating osteoarthritis.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.


Fascia treatment, which involves techniques to affect the body’s fascia and improve mobility and function, can also be helpful. 

For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered.


For those who do not respond to conservative treatments, biological treatments or surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include arthroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure where excess bone growth is removed and damage to the labrum and cartilage is repaired. 

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Regain mobility

Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip osteoarthritis, also known as hip joint degeneration or degenerative joint disease, is a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of cartilage in the hip joint. This leads to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Hip osteoarthritis can be caused by aging, genetic factors, previous injuries, obesity, or overuse of the joint.

Artros i höftleden är en av de vanligaste ledsjukdomarna i västvärlden. Män och kvinnor drabbas lika och risken för artros ökar ju äldre man blir. Av hundra personer över 55 år har ungefär tre personer höftledsartros, och över 85 år stiger siffran till mer än tio av hundra.

Höftledsartros är en sjukdom som börjar i ledbrosket. Ett friskt ledbrosk är fast och elastiskt och fungerar som stötdämpare och glidyta för leden. Artros innebär att brosket gradvis tunnas ut och till slut kan försvinna helt. Höftledsartros är en degenerativ ledsjukdom, det vill säga att celler och vävnader i brosket förändras och försvinner med ökande ålder, vilket gör att ledernas funktion försämras.

Det är fortfarande till största delen okänt vad som orsakar sjukdomen men det finns sannolikt både ärftliga och belastningsberoende orsaker. Artros kallas ofta för förslitning på svenska, vilket är missvisande eftersom artros är en sjukdom och normal aktivitet är bra både för att lindra redan uppkommen artros och för att minska risken för utveckling av sjukdomen. Vissa yrkesgrupper, som lantbrukare, brandmän och byggnadsarbetare har dock en klart högre förekomst av artros jämfört med befolkningen i övrigt.

Motionsidrottande ökar inte risken för artros, men elitidrottare har generellt sett en större risk än normalbefolkningen att drabbas. Övervikt är en annan trolig orsak till höftledsartros och man har sett att övervikt vid 40 års ålder ökar risken med två till tre gånger för att utveckla höftledsartros senare i livet.

The symptoms of hip osteoarthritis include pain in the groin, thigh, or buttocks, stiffness in the hip, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity, reduced range of motion, and difficulty performing daily activities such as walking, bending, or climbing stairs

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the hip. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as X-rays, MRI, CT, or ultrasound, to assess the degree of cartilage loss and rule out other possible causes of the pain.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage Hip Osteoarthritis. 

Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, and Angel ACP, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on CAM FAI. These biological treatments are scientifically proven and have studies that show good results.


– PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): PRP treatments use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. The platelets contain growth factors that accelerate the healing process.

– ACP Max (Autologous Conditioned Plasma Max): ACP Max is an advanced form of PRP with a higher concentration of growth factors, further accelerating the healing process and improving outcomes.

– Stem Cell Therapies: Stem cell therapies use the body’s own stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and enhance healing. The stem cells can transform into various types of cells depending on the body’s needs, making them highly effective in treating osteoarthritis.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome.


Fascia treatment, which involves techniques to affect the body’s fascia and improve mobility and function, can also be helpful. 

For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered.


For those who do not respond to conservative treatments, biological treatments or surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include arthroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure where excess bone growth is removed and damage to the labrum and cartilage is repaired

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.


Trochanteritis, also known as trochanteric bursitis, is an inflammatory condition affecting the bursae (fluid-filled sacs) around the greater trochanter, the large bony prominence on the outside of the hip. This condition is often caused by overuse, repetitive movements, trauma, or prolonged pressure on the hip. Trochanteritis can lead to pain and discomfort on the outside of the hip, affecting daily activities such as walking, sitting, or lying on the affected side

Trochanterit är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att man får ont i höften. Den högsta förekomsten är hos medelålders och äldre kvinnor men även yngre personer och män drabbas. Trochanterit, som ibland stavas trokanterit, är alltså en inflammation i muskelfästena och slemsäcken för de muskler som fäster runt den stora knölen på utsidan av höften. Knölen heter ”trochanter” på latin och runt den fäster flera av skinkans och lårens muskler.

Det finns många orsaker till trochanterit. En av de vanligaste är överbelastning eller monotona rörelser som vid löpning, cykling, simning, eller arbete med en fotpedal. Orsaken kan också vara trauma mot höften som leder till en inflammation i området runt höftleden, vilket man ibland kan se hos fotbollsmålvakter. Övervikt är en annan riskfaktor, liksom degenerativa, alltså åldersbetingade förändringar. Man har också sett att felställning i fötter eller knän har en påverkan genom att man då går fel, vilket ger överansträngningar av muskulaturen i skinkan.

The symptoms of trochanteritis include pain and tenderness on the outside of the hip, especially with pressure or movement, swelling and redness around the greater trochanter, and difficulty lying on the affected side. The pain may worsen with activities such as climbing stairs or squatting.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of trochanteritis is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the hip. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, X-rays, or MRI, to assess the degree of inflammation and rule out other possible causes of the pain

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage trochanteritis. We can offer a fascia treatment, which involves techniques to affect the body’s fascia and improve mobility and function, can also be helpful.

For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered.

Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, and Angel ACP, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on trochanteritis. These biological treatments are scientifically proven and have studies that show good results.


Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include bursectomy, a procedure where the inflamed bursa is removed to relieve pain and inflammation.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.

At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome


Accordion Content

From diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation


Osteonecrosis, also known as avascular necrosis, is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to a bone area is interrupted, leading to the death of bone tissue. This condition can affect various parts of the body but is most common in the hip, knee, and shoulder. Osteonecrosis can be caused by trauma, prolonged use of corticosteroids, excessive alcohol consumption, or other medical conditions affecting blood circulation

Ben är ett levande material som ständigt omsätts och förnyas. Precis som andra organ i kroppen kan ben drabbas av skador och sjukdomar men har en unik förmåga att läka helt utan ärrbildning. Ben ersätts med ben. Men eftersom ben är levande vävnad som kräver blod med syre och näringsämnen, så orsakar ett avbrott i blodtillförseln att benet förstörs. Osteonekros kallas det tillstånd då benvävnaden inom ett område dör på grund av för lite blod, och skelettdelen slutligen skrumpnar. Det drabbar oftast grövre leder som till exempel höftleden och knäleden, men osteonekros kan även förekomma i fotleden.

Så många som 20 000 personer utvecklar osteonekros varje år i Sverige. De flesta är mellan 20 och 50 år. För friska människor är risken för osteonekros liten. De flesta fall av osteonekros kommer som resultat av ett annat hälsoproblem eller en skada. Det kan till exempel vara en fraktur som lårbenshalsbrott eller urvridning av leden som innebär att de närliggande blodkärlen skadas. Även medicinering med kortison, vissa reumatiska sjukdomar, alkoholism och dykarsjuka är vanliga orsaker. I vissa fall kan man inte hitta orsaken till osteonekros och då kallar man tillståndet spontan osteonekros.

Osteonekros benämns också avaskulär nekros eller caputnekros.

The symptoms of osteonecrosis include pain that gradually worsens over time, initially with weight-bearing and later even at rest. The pain can be deep and dull and is often localized to the affected area, such as the groin in hip osteonecrosis. Other symptoms may include reduced mobility in the affected joint and, in later stages, bone collapse, leading to significant disability.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of osteonecrosis is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as X-rays, MRI, or CT, to assess the extent of bone necrosis and plan appropriate treatment.

Since osteonecrosis is a serious condition that can lead to permanent bone and joint damage, it often requires surgical intervention as treatment. At Elit Ortopedi, we offer several surgical options depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the bone:


1. Core Decompression: A procedure where part of the dead bone is removed to reduce pressure and improve blood flow to the affected area, which can help save the bone in early stages of osteonecrosis.


2. Osteotomy: A procedure where the bone is reshaped to change the load distribution and reduce pressure on the damaged area.


3. Bone Grafting: A surgical procedure where healthy bone tissue is transplanted to the damaged area to promote healing and reconstruction of the bone.


4. Total Joint Replacement: In advanced cases where the bone has collapsed and the joint is severely damaged, a total joint replacement may be necessary. This involves replacing the damaged joint with an artificial joint to restore function and relieve pain.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle, a small muscle located deep in the gluteal region, irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve. This can lead to pain, numbness, and tingling radiating from the buttock down the leg. Piriformis syndrome can be caused by overuse, trauma, anatomical anomalies, or prolonged sitting

Piriformis är en tvärgående muskel under den stora skinkmuskeln vars främsta uppgift är att rotera och vrida ut höften. Man använder piriformis till exempel när man sätter sig ner i skräddarställning med benen i kors. Piriformissyndrom uppstår när piriformismuskeln svullnar eller blir spänd och trycker på ischiasnerven som sitter under piriformis. Man får smärtor i skinkan som kan stråla ner på baksidan av låret.

Besvär från piriformis uppstår oftast hos vältränade personer med kort, kraftig och dåligt utstretchad muskulatur, men det förekommer även att de som inte idrottar drabbas. En dålig sittposition är en anledning till piriformissyndrom men man har också sett att det ibland räcker med trycket från en plånbok i bakfickan. Det kan också utlösas från ryggen, till exempel efter ett diskbråck, eller uppstå efter en sträckning eller överbelastnig av höftleden. Tillståndet är betydligt vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män.

The symptoms of piriformis syndrome include pain in the buttock that may radiate down the back of the thigh and sometimes into the leg, numbness and tingling in the same area, and pain that worsens with sitting, climbing stairs, or after long periods of inactivity

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of piriformis syndrome is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the hip and back. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, MRI, or CT, to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms and confirm the diagnosis

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer several effective treatment options to manage piriformis syndrome:


Biological Treatments: Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, and Angel ACP, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on piriformis syndrome. These biological treatments are scientifically proven and have studies that show good results


Fascia Treatment: Fascia treatment involves techniques to affect the body’s fascia (connective tissue) and improve mobility and function. This treatment can help reduce muscle tension and relieve pain in the piriformis muscle and surrounding tissues.


Cortisone Injections: Cortisone injections can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the affected area. By administering cortisone directly into or around the piriformis muscle, we can quickly reduce inflammation and improve symptoms.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.


At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Snapping Hip

Snapping Hip, also known as “coxa saltans” or “snapping hip syndrome,” is a condition where a snapping or clicking sensation occurs in the hip during movement. This can be caused by tendons or muscles sliding over bony prominences, leading to a snapping sensation. The condition can be painless, but in some cases, it may cause pain and discomfort. Snapping Hip is often classified into external, internal, and intra-articular types depending on which structure is causing the snapping.

Det finns två orsaker till snapping hip. Den vanligaste är att en av senorna, som i vanliga fall går bredvid den stora benknölen som finns på höftens utsida, istället glider över benknölen. När senan glider över knölen kan det höras knäppningar och man kan även känna smärta. Den andra och minst vanliga orsaken beror på broskbristningar, det vill säga att en broskbit har lossnat och satt sig på ett sätt som orsakar knäppningar vid höftböjningar.

Det finns många anledningar till att man får snapping hip. Några av de vanligaste är skillnader i benlängd, nedsatt bäckenstabilitet och överpronation i fotleden.

The symptoms of Snapping Hip include a distinct snapping or clicking sensation in the hip during movement, often accompanied by pain or discomfort. The pain may be localized to the outside of the hip, the groin, or deep within the hip and may worsen with activity

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of Snapping Hip is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the hip. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, MRI, or X-rays, to identify the exact cause of the snapping and rule out other possible conditions.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer several effective treatment options to manage Snapping Hip, with a focus on biological treatments and other advanced techniques:

Biological Treatments:

– Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections: PRP injections use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation.

– Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max and Angel ACP: These injections use components from your own blood to accelerate healing and tissue repair.

What sets Elit Ortopedi and Dr. Ferm apart is his super specialization in ultrasound and ultrasound examination. This allows him to precisely locate the injury and deliver biological treatments exactly where they are needed to maximize effectiveness. Additionally, Elit Ortopedi has expertise in determining the right quantity, frequency, and treatment protocol to ensure optimal healing. This expertise ensures that each treatment is tailored and optimized for the best possible outcome.


At Elit Ortopedi, our specialists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific condition. You will be informed about all available options and guided through each step of the process to ensure the best possible outcome

Fascia Treatment: Fascia treatment involves techniques to affect the body’s fascia (connective tissue) and improve mobility and function. This treatment can help reduce muscle tension and relieve pain in the hip area.

Cortisone Injections: Cortisone injections can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the affected area. By administering cortisone directly into or around the affected tendon or muscle, we can quickly reduce inflammation and improve symptoms.

Surgery: If conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options may include lengthening or releasing the tight tendon or muscle to prevent further snapping and alleviate pain.

ehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.