We treat

Foot problems

Foot problem are a common issue thatcan affect anyone at any time. At Elit Ortopedi, we specialize in diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating a wide range of foot conditions, from everyday issues to more complex ailments. Our goal is to restore the strength and functionality of your feet so you can live an active and pain-free life.

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus, also known as a bunion, is a condition where the big toe points towards the other toes and a bump develops on the inside of the foot at the big toe joint. This can lead to pain, swelling, and difficulty finding comfortable shoes. The condition can be due to genetic factors, inappropriate footwear, or other foot problems such as flat feet.

Hallux valgus är den vanligaste felställningen i foten hos medelålders och äldre och är vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män. Orsaken är okänd, men ärftlighet tros spela en stor roll. Trånga skor och skor med höga klackar kan förvärra den snedställda stortån eftersom tårna då kläms ihop och man får ont i foten. Även nedsjunket främre fotvalv leder till bredare framfot och ökad felställning av stortån.

Hallux valgus förekommer också ofta hos unga idrottare, framför allt flickor, men då inte som en skada utan som ett medfött tillstånd. Det är det första mellanfotsbenet som är vinklat för mycket inåt vilket medför en felställning av stortåns basfalang (innersta benet på tån) som leder till hallux valgus.

The symptoms of hallux valgus can vary in severity and often include a visible bump on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe, swelling, redness, or soreness around the big toe joint, persistent or intermittent pain in the affected area, restricted movement of the big toe, and difficulty finding comfortable footwear.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of hallux valgus is made through a comprehensive evaluation that includes a detailed medical history to discuss the patient’s symptoms and footwear habits, a physical examination to assess the alignment and range of motion of the toes, and imaging studies such as X-rays and ultrasound to evaluate the extent of the deformity and any associated joint damage. At Elit Ortopedi, we offer several effective treatment options to manage hallux valgus.

Treatment at Elit Ortopedi aims to alleviate symptoms, correct the deformity, and restore function.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer two treatment options to manage hallux valgus: biological treatment and surgery.

Biological treatments, such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP), can be used to reduce pain and inflammation and promote the healing of damaged tissues. PRP injections use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. The platelets contain growth factors that stimulate the healing of damaged tissues. PRP can help reduce pain and inflammation in the big toe joint. ACP is another form of biological treatment where components from your own blood are used to accelerate healing and tissue repair. ACP can help reduce inflammation and improve mobility in the big toe joint.


 Surgery may be necessary to correct the position of the bone and relieve pain. Osteotomy is a common surgical procedure where the bone in the big toe is cut and repositioned to straighten the toe. Metal (screws or plates) can be used to hold the bone in the correct position while it heals. Arthrodesis involves fusing the big toe joint to eliminate pain. This can limit the movement of the big toe but can be effective in relieving pain in severe cases. Exostectomy involves removing the bump on the inside of the foot. This procedure is often used in combination with other corrective surgeries. 



After surgery, it is important to follow a personalized rehabilitation program, often involving physical therapy and guided exercises, to ensure the best possible recovery and help patients return to their daily activities with improved foot function and reduced pain

Heel spur

Heel spur, or plantar fasciitis, is a common condition caused by inflammation of the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) that runs along the bottom of the foot, from the heel to the toes. This condition is often painful and can make it difficult to walk or stand for extended periods. Heel spur usually occurs due to overuse or injury to the plantar fascia, which can result from factors such as obesity, poor footwear, or excessive physical activity.

Hälsporre, som också kallas plantar fasciit, är en mycket vanlig överbelastningsskada. Den är resultatet av en långvarig överbelastning av de stora senytorna under fotsulan, som kallas senstråket. Syftet med senstråket är att stödja hålfotens båge och hindra denna att sjunka ihop vid belastning. Vid stillastående och vid varje steg vi tar uppstår dragbelastning i senstråket och dess fästen samt tryckbelastning från underlaget mot fästet i hälbenet. När denna belastning blir för stor uppstår skada och smärta i form av inflammation kring senfästet i foten.

The symptoms of heel spur typically include sharp or burning pain under the heel, especially in the morning or after periods of rest, pain that decreases after a few steps but returns after prolonged standing or walking, and tenderness in the heel upon pressure. Sometimes, the pain may also radiate towards the toes or up the calf.


At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of heel spur is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or X-rays, to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of the pain

Treatment at Elit Ortopedi aims to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as restore normal function and mobility of the foot. 

Non-surgical treatments include rest and activity modification to avoid stressing the heel, use of orthotic inserts and heel pads to offload the plantar fascia, and physical therapy exercises to strengthen the foot muscles and improve flexibility. 

Fasciatherapy, a specialized form of manual therapy, can also help release tension in the plantar fascia and reduce pain. 

Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications, such as NSAIDs, can be used to manage pain and inflammation.


Biological treatments offer advanced options for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections utilize components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, while Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, an advanced form of PRP therapy, contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors to further enhance the healing process. Stem cell therapy is another innovative approach, using stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and improve foot function. For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered.


Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.


Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include plantar fasciotomy, a procedure that involves making small incisions in the plantar fascia to relieve tension and pain. 

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.


A ganglion is a fluid-filled cyst that often develops near joints or tendons, typically on the wrist, ankle, or foot. Ganglion cysts are usually round or oval and can be either painless or painful, depending on their size and location. The exact causes of ganglion formation are not entirely known, but they may be related to joint or tendon injuries, overuse, or degenerative changes in the tissues 

Ganglion är en sorts systa och består av en vätskefylld utbuktning som bildas i anslutning till en led. Det vanligaste är att ganglion uppkommer på ovansidan av foten. Alla kan drabbas, men man vet att åkomman ibland uppträder vid tillfällig överansträngning.

Leder och senor smörjs av en speciell gelatinös vätska, ledvätska, inuti ledkapseln eller senskidan. Ibland ökar produktionen av ledvätska i en led eller inuti en senskida. Detta kan vara förorsakat av förändringar i leden (arthros), inflammation (arthrit), skada, överbelastning eller annat. På grund av det ökade trycket i leden eller senskidan läcker ledvätskan ut genom kapseln eller senskidan och det bildas en liten blåsa. Då ledvätskan innehåller speciella äggviteämnen som gör att den är trögflytande kan kroppen inte suga upp ledvätskan som läckt ut, utan endast vattnet i ledvätskan. Det kvarvarande blir som ballong fylld med gelé.

The symptoms of a ganglion include a visible, soft or firm bump under the skin, discomfort or pain if the cyst presses on nearby nerves, and sometimes limited mobility in the affected joint. The cyst can vary in size and may change over time, sometimes disappearing spontaneously only to recur later.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of a ganglion is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the affected area. We sometimes use imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of the swelling.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer effective treatments for ganglion. Non-surgical treatments include observation and rest, the use of orthotic devices to reduce pressure on the ganglion, and aspiration, where the fluid in the cyst is drained with a needle. If the ganglion is large or causing significant discomfort, surgical intervention may be considered, and we can perform surgeries here at the clinic.


Biological treatments can also be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP), which utilize components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments, which use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on ganglion.

After treatment, a personalized rehabilitation program, often involving physical therapy and guided exercises, ensures the best possible recovery and helps patients return to their daily activities with improved quality of life.

Hallux rigidus

Hallux rigidus is a form of osteoarthritis that affects the big toe’s metatarsophalangeal joint, leading to stiffness and pain in the big toe. This condition is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage in the big toe joint, which can result in bone spurs and reduced mobility. Hallux rigidus can affect the gait pattern and make it difficult to perform daily activities.

Hallux rigidus beror på artros i stortåns grundled, vanligtvis vid basen av stortån. Artros innebär att det brosk som normalt täcker benytorna i stortåleden blivit tunnare. Vid svår artros saknas brosket helt, så att benet ligger bart.

Tillståndet är vanligt hos framför allt medelålders män i åldrarna 30 till 60 år. Ofta är det aktiva motionärer som löpare eller tennisspelare som drabbas. Skadan förekommer också hos fotbollsspelare, oftast i slutet av karriären. Det är okänt varför den utvecklas hos vissa människor och inte andra. Det kan bero på ett trauma mot stortån som skadar ledbrosket eller skillnaden på fotens anatomi som ökar stress på leden.

The symptoms of hallux rigidus include pain and stiffness in the big toe joint, especially when walking and bending the toe, swelling and inflammation around the joint, and a sensation of the toe “locking” or getting stuck. In more severe cases, the pain can be constant and significantly affect foot function

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of hallux rigidus is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, X-rays, or MRI, to assess the degree of joint changes and bone spurs.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage hallux rigidus. Non-surgical treatments include the use of orthotic inserts and special shoes to offload the big toe, physical therapy exercises to improve mobility and strengthen foot muscles, and pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and inflammation.


Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on hallux rigidus.


Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients



Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include cheilectomy, a procedure that involves removing bone spurs to improve mobility, and arthrodesis, where the joint is fused to eliminate pain

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome


A hammertoe is a deformity where one or more toes bend abnormally at the middle joint, giving the toe a hammer-like appearance. This condition can be caused by imbalances in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally keep the toe straight. Hammertoe often results from wearing tight or poorly fitting shoes but can also be due to genetic factors or other foot problems.

Hammartå är en av de vanligaste felställningarna på foten. Oftast är tån böjd i mellanleden och det är svårt eller omöjligt att sträcka ut tån. Om böjningen ligger i ytterleden brukar man kalla felställningen för klotå.  Det drabbar oftast pektån men ibland flera av tårna. Det är vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män.

Orsaken till hammartå är inte känd men man tror att det till stor del är ärftligt. Man vet att hammartå kan uppstå vid användning av trånga skor som inte har tillräckligt med plats för tårna. Skorna begränsar då de normala rörelserna i tåns leder och hindrar funktionen i de små fotmusklerna. Även vissa sjukdomar, tex reumatiska och neurologiska sjukdomar som påverkar fotens muskler, leder och nerver kan ge hammartå.

The symptoms of hammertoe include pain and irritation in the affected toe, especially when walking or under pressure from shoes, corns or calluses on the top of the toe, and difficulty moving or straightening the toe. In more severe cases, the toe may become rigid and inflexible.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of hammertoe is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or X-rays, to assess the degree of deformity and rule out other possible causes of the pain.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage hammertoe. Non-surgical treatments include the use of orthotic inserts and special shoes to reduce pressure on the affected toe, physical therapy exercises to improve mobility and strengthen foot muscles, and pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and inflammation.


Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on hammertoe.

Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients. 

Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include tenotomy, a procedure where a tendon is cut to straighten the toe, and arthrodesis, where the joint is fused to eliminate pain

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s neuroma, also known as Morton’s disease, is a painful condition affecting the nerves of the foot, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. It is caused by a thickening of the nerve tissue, leading to pain, tingling, and numbness in the forefoot. Morton’s neuroma often results from wearing tight shoes, high heels, or excessive pressure on the foot.

Nerverna i framfoten kan klämmas mellan mellanfotsbenen. Man vet inte exakt vad det är som gör att nerven skadas, men för trånga skor och för hög träningsbelastning anses vara orsaker till att man får ont i foten. Även nedsjunkna främre fotvalv, som samtidigt innebär att framfoten blir bredare, kan leda till ett ökat tryck på nerven. Kvinnor i medelåldern drabbas i högre utsträckning än män. Morton’s sjukdom benämns ibland också Morton’s metatarsalgi eller Morton’s neurinom..

The symptoms of Morton’s neuroma include sharp, burning pain in the forefoot, often described as walking on a pebble, tingling or numbness in the toes, and pain that worsens with walking or pressure from shoes. The pain may be relieved by removing shoes and massaging the foot.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of Morton’s neuroma is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of the pain

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage Morton’s neuroma. Non-surgical treatments include the use of orthotic inserts and special shoes to reduce pressure on the affected nerve, physical therapy exercises to improve foot mobility and strength, and pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and inflammation.


Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on Morton’s neuroma.


For those who do not respond to conservative treatments, biological treatments or surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include neurectomy, a procedure in which the affected nerve is removed to alleviate pain.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is a common overuse injury that affects the Achilles tendon, the tendon that connects the calf muscles to the heel. This condition is often caused by overuse, a sudden increase in activity, or improper training techniques. Achilles tendinitis can lead to pain, stiffness, and difficulty walking or running.

Akillestendinit är en av flera vanliga benämningar på hälseneinflammation. Hälsenan utgår från den stora vadmuskeln och fäster på baksidan av hälbenet och det är denna sena man kan se och känna som en tjock sträng på baksidan av fotleden.

Att få ont i hälsenan är vanligt, särskilt i samband med fysisk aktivitet som hopp och löpning. Smärtan kommer ofta i samband med att man tränat på ett annat sätt än tidigare. Många, speciellt otränade eller äldre personer, kan också få ont i foten och i hälsenan när de har promenerat längre än vanligt eller har olämpliga och ostadiga skor. Ett typexempel på aktivitet som kan orsaka inflammation i hälsenan är mycket löpning på hårt underlag. Problemen kan också uppstå om man använder gamla eller dåliga skor med fel passform. Risken för besvär ökar för den som är överviktig.

”Inflammation” i hälsenan är ingen äkta inflammation utan beror på en strukturförändring och förtjockning av senan på grund av överbelastning. Detta innebär att antiinflammatorisk medicin inte hjälper vid behandling.

The symptoms of Achilles tendinitis include pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon, especially in the morning or after periods of rest, swelling and tenderness around the Achilles tendon, and a creaking sensation with movement. In more severe cases, the pain can be constant and significantly affect foot function.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or MRI, to assess the degree of inflammation and rule out other possible causes of the pain.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage Achilles tendinitis.

Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on Achilles tendinitis

Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include tenotomy, a procedure where part of the Achilles tendon is cut to relieve tension, and tenodesis, where the Achilles tendon is fixed to eliminate pain

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Chronic issues after ankle sprain

An ankle sprain is a common injury often caused by twisting or bending the foot in an abnormal way, leading to the stretching or tearing of the ligaments around the ankle. While most ankle sprains heal over time, some individuals may experience chronic issues such as pain, instability, and difficulty performing daily activities or sports

De flesta av oss har väl stukat foten någon gång och i idrotter med många snabba riktningsförändringar, exempelvis fotboll, är det en vanlig åkomma. Även om ungefär 90 procent av alla aktiva som skadar fotleden återhämtar sig väl, så har cirka 10 procent fortfarande problem med sin fotled efter tre månader.

Det vanligaste problemet är ledbandsinstabilitet som framför allt uppstår efter upprepade stukningar. Sannolikheten att drabbas ökar väsentligt vid utebliven behandling och för kort rehabilitering.

Ett annat nästan lika vanligt besvär efter fotledsstukning är att smärta och svullnad nedanför yttre fotknölen aldrig går över och man tycker man har konstant ont i foten. Detta kallas anterolateral impingement. Orsaken är att man ibland får en kapselskada där mjukdelar kan hamna i leden och ge ett irritationstillstånd när man går eller springer.

The symptoms of chronic issues after an ankle sprain include recurring pain and swelling in the ankle, a feeling of instability or the ankle “giving way,” stiffness and reduced mobility, and difficulty walking or participating in physical activities. In some cases, there may also be weakness in the muscles of the foot and leg

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of chronic issues after an ankle sprain is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot and ankle. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, X-rays, or MRI, to assess the extent of the injury and rule out other possible causes of the symptoms.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage chronic issues after an ankle sprain. 

Non-surgical treatments include the use of orthotic inserts and special shoes to offload the ankle, physical therapy exercises to improve mobility, strength, and stability in the foot and leg, and pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and inflammation.


Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on chronic issues after an ankle sprain. For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered. 


Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.



For those who do not respond to conservative treatments, biological treatments or surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include ligament reconstruction, where damaged ligaments are repaired or reconstructed to restore stability, and arthroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure to examine and treat injuries inside the ankle

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Tailor's Bunion

A tailor’s bunion, also known as a bunionette, is a painful bump that develops on the outside of the foot at the base of the little toe. This condition is often caused by a combination of genetic factors, improper foot alignment, and pressure from shoes that are too narrow or have high heels. A tailor’s bunion can lead to pain, inflammation, and difficulty wearing shoes.

Skräddarknuta kallas också Tailor’s bunion och uppkommer genom en böjning av lilltåns grundled vilket innebär att lilltån vinklas inåt och skapar en utbuktning vid lilltåledens start. Orsaken till att drabbas av skräddarknuta är inte helt klarlagd. Skor som trycker och ärftlighet anses vara de vanligaste anledningarna, tillsammans med att ha suttit mycket med fötterna under sig, därav namnet skräddarknuta. Tidigare besvär av hallux valgus och nedsjunkna förfotsvalv är andra anledningar.

The symptoms of a tailor’s bunion include pain and tenderness on the outside of the foot, especially at the base of the little toe, swelling and redness in the affected area, and calluses or corns at the site of the bump. The pain may worsen with walking or pressure from shoes.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of a tailor’s bunion is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or X-rays, to assess the degree of deformity and rule out other possible causes of the pain.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage tailor’s bunion. 

Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on tailor’s bunion. For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered. 

Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include osteotomy, a procedure where the bone is reshaped to correct the deformity, and exostosis resection, where bony prominences are removed to relieve pain.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

March fracture

A march fracture, also known as a stress fracture, most commonly occurs in the metatarsal bones of the foot. This injury is usually the result of repetitive stress and overuse, particularly in activities such as running, marching, or other repetitive movements. March fractures are common among military personnel, athletes, and individuals with high activity levels.

Stressfrakturer är benämningen på små sprickor i något av kroppens ben som kommer av att man belastar kroppen mycket eller tränar väldigt hårt. När dessa sprickor uppträder i foten kallas det marschfraktur. Marschfraktur är mycket vanlig och sprickorna förekommer framför allt i något av mellanfotens ben.

Marschfraktur drabbar speciellt idrottare som löptränar mycket, men det är även relativt vanligt hos fotbollsspelare . Personer med benskörhet kan få en marschfraktur efter en ganska måttlig ansträngning, som en längre promenad. Kvinnor är utsatta i högre grad än män och ofta i samband med ätstörningar. Namnet marschfraktur kommer av att man förr ofta såg dessa skador hos militärer som marscherade långa sträckor.

The symptoms of a march fracture include gradually developing pain in the forefoot that worsens with weight-bearing and is relieved by rest. There may also be swelling, tenderness, and sometimes bruising around the affected area. The pain may initially be mild but can worsen with continued activity.

At Elit Ortopedi, the diagnosis of a march fracture is made through a thorough evaluation that includes a detailed medical history and a physical examination of the foot. We also use advanced imaging techniques, such as X-rays, ultrasound, or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of the fracture.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer both biological, effective treatments and surgeries to manage march fractures.

Biological treatments offer effective alternatives for promoting bone healing and reducing inflammation. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP) Max, which use components from your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, as well as stem cell treatments that use stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, can have good effects on march fractures. For those who wish to avoid surgery or have had unsuccessful surgeries, biological treatments may be considered.

Surgical options at Elit Ortopedi include internal fixation, where the fracture is stabilized using screws or plates to promote healing.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.