We treat

Elbow issues

There are many things that can cause problems with the elbow. Elit Ortopedi investigates and treats conditions such as tennis elbow, bursitis, golfer's elbow, smartphone elbow, and mouse elbow, allowing you to maintain an active life.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in the outer elbow become overloaded. Despite its name, tennis elbow affects not only tennis players but also individuals who perform repetitive arm and wrist movements, such as craftsmen, office workers, or other occupational activities

Tennisarmbåge, lateral epikondylit, uppstår då musklerna på underarmens utsida har belastats för hårt. Det uppkommer framför allt hos individer som arbetar med tunga och repetitiva sträck- och vridrörelser där handen samtidigt greppar om något, som till exempel vid handarbete, spikning eller att skriva på tangentbord. Det är vanligt att drabbas om man tillfälligt gjort en aktivitet som man inte är van vid, eller när man är otränad, man får då ont i armbågen.

Skadan och smärttillståndet är mycket utbrett och drabbar vanligtvis medelålders personer. Som namnet antyder är det många tennisspelare som får åkomman, och cirka hälften av alla tennisspelare har haft en period med tennisarmbåge.

En variant av tennisarmbåge är musarm. Den uppkommer vid statisk belastning av underarmsmuskulaturen, där hela underarmsmuskeln blir överbelastad. Åkomman kan uppkomma när man arbetar länge vid en dator där man använder pekplattan och musen.

Symptoms of tennis elbow include pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow, weakness in the forearm, pain that worsens with gripping or lifting, and sometimes a burning sensation in the elbow that can radiate down the forearm

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.


There are effective treatments for both tennis elbow and mouse elbow. At Elit Ortopedi, we can offer help with cortisone injections, biological treatments, PRP/ACP, stem cell treatment, and Angel ACP. Additionally, we can perform surgery at our clinic without unnecessary waiting times, so you can be free from pain and discomfort.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer several treatment options for tennis elbow, including biological treatments such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Autologous Conditioned Plasma (ACP Max), Angel ACP, and stem cell therapy. PRP treatments use concentrated platelets from your own blood to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. ACP Max is an advanced form of PRP that contains a higher concentration of growth factors to further accelerate the healing process. Angel ACP is another form of autologous plasma rich in growth factors and cytokines to promote healing. Stem cell therapies use the body’s own stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue and enhance healing.

Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.


If conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, or if the condition is severe, surgery or biological treatments may be necessary to remove damaged tissue and promote healing

After either biological treatments or surgery, it is important to follow a personalized rehabilitation program, often involving physical therapy and guided exercises, to ensure the best possible recovery. Rehabilitation aims to restore full movement and strength in the elbow, reduce pain, and prevent recurrence. The physical therapist may recommend specific exercises to improve mobility and strength in the arm and use techniques such as massage and stretching to reduce stiffness and pain

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Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the ulnar nerve, which runs along the inside of the elbow, becomes compressed or irritated. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers, particularly the ring and little fingers. The condition is usually the result of repeated bending of the elbow, pressure on the elbow, or prolonged resting of the elbow on hard surfaces.

Ulnarisnerven är en stor nerv som går från armbågen ned till underarmen och handen. Dess huvuduppgift är att bidra med känsel och rörlighet till ring- och lillfingret i handen. Det är ulnarisnerven som vid slag ger så kallad ”änkestöt”, smärtsamma stötar när man slår i armbågen.

På armbågens insida nedanför inre armbågsknölen löper ularisnerven i en fåra och skyddas av ett ledband. Utrymmet under ledbandet kan ibland bli för trångt vilket medför att nerven kläms och blodflödet till nerven stryps. Känseln och rörligheten påverkas då negativt.

Kubitaltunnelsyndrom är ett relativt vanligt förekommande tillstånd och alla vuxna kan drabbas och få ont i armbågen. Det finns ingen känd orsak. Man har dock sett en ökad förekomst vid långvarig repetitiv belastning som till exempel vid tangentbordsarbete eller arbete med vibrerande verktyg. Det finns också en ökning av åkomman efter en fraktur på armbågen. Ibland har det observerats att personer som drabbas av inklämningen sover med armbågen böjd eller händerna under huvudet, vilket då irriterar nerven.

Kubitaltunnelsyndrom kallas också mobilarmbåge, eftersom den kan uppstå när man håller armbågen i mer än 90 graders vinkel under långa perioder.

Symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome include numbness and tingling in the ring and little fingers, pain in the elbow, weakness in the hand and fingers, and a sensation of the hand “falling asleep.” Symptoms may worsen when the elbow is bent for an extended period, such as when holding a phone or sleeping with the elbow bent.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

At Elit Ortopedi, we offer two main treatment options for cubital tunnel syndrome: corticosteroid injections and surgery. Corticosteroid injections are an effective treatment method that can quickly reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Corticosteroids, powerful anti-inflammatory medications, are injected directly into the area around the ulnar nerve to reduce swelling and pressure on the nerve. This can help alleviate symptoms and improve hand and arm function.


If corticosteroid injections do not provide sufficient relief, or if the condition is severe and affects hand function, surgery may be necessary. During the surgery, known as ulnar nerve decompression or transposition, the ulnar nerve is released from the compressed area. This may involve creating more space for the nerve or moving the nerve to a different position to reduce pressure. The surgery is typically performed under.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Golfer´s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow involves overuse or injury to the tendons of the flexor muscles of the fingers that attach to the inner elbow bone.

Golfarmbåge, medial epikondylit, är samma skada som tennisarmbåge fast på insidan av armbågen. Från armbågen går musklerna som gör att handen och fingrarna kan böja sig. Långvarig och upprepad belastning av handleden med handleden i böjt läge, som i golfspel, kan leda till att senfäste och muskler för underarmens handledsböjare blir överansträngda.

Det är inte bara golfspelare som drabbas utan även personer som ägnar sig år exempelvis datorarbete, målning och snickrande. Personer mellan 30 och 50 år är de som oftast drabbas, med en övervikt för de som är över 40.

Symptoms include pain and sometimes swelling on the inside of the elbow. Research has shown that there is generally no inflammation in the elbow. In cases where inflammation does occur, it is only inflamed at the very beginning of the symptoms.

The pain can appear suddenly, but most commonly, golfer’s elbow develops gradually over a longer period. The discomfort is often triggered by strong wrist flexions under load. This can happen, for example, when carrying something slightly heavier than usual, lifting something with bent elbows, or leaning against a table or similar. The pain typically radiates down along the inside of the forearm towards the wrist, often resulting in weakness in the forearm and hand muscles.

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management

Golfer’s elbow can also be caused by computer work, painting, and carpentry. It is an overuse injury that is both painful and troublesome. At Elit Ortopedi, those suffering from golfer’s elbow can receive effective and prompt help. At our clinic, we offer biological treatments, PRP/ACP, stem cell treatments, and Angel ACP. If surgery is necessary, we provide that as well, and you can also get help with fascia treatments and mobility exercises with us.


Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

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Osteochondritis involves a small piece of cartilage or bone becoming weakened in the elbow joint..

Det försvagade området kan leda till att en bit ben och brosk lossnar. Den lösa benbiten i leden kan då komma i kläm mellan ledytorna i armbågsleden och orsaka både smärtor och låsningar. En låsning betyder att leden inte kan sträckas ut helt eller böjas maximalt, ungefär på samma sätt som när en sak kommer emellan när man ska stänga en dörr. När en bit ben eller brosk lossnar brukar man säga att osteokondritförändringen har gett upphov till en så kallad “fri kropp”.

Orsaken till osteokondrit är oklar. Om det är en skada eller om tillståndet är medfött är osäkert, men man har sett att det ofta uppstår i områden som utsätts för stor belastning, vilket medför att ben- eller broskbiten lossnar. En teori är att sjukdomen orsakas av en kombination av en skada och övergående nedsatt blodtillförsel till ett litet område i leden.

Osteokondrit är vanligast hos yngre idrottande individer, men kan även uppkomma hos personer upp till cirka 40 år. Åkomman förekommer också i andra leder, såsom höftleden, ankelleden, knäleden och leder i foten.

In the early phase, one experiences joint pain during loading or when the elbow joint is fully bent or extended. Over time, locking sensations can occur in the affected joint. Common symptoms include elbow pain, locking phenomena, swelling, and a feeling of instability in the elbow

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

When a small piece of cartilage or bone in the elbow joint becomes weakened, problems with osteochondritis can arise. This can cause the cartilage or bone fragment to detach, leading to pain and joint locking. Today, there are effective treatments for osteochondritis. At Elit Ortopedi, we can help you with biological treatments, PRP/ACP, stem cell treatments, and Angel ACP. If you require surgery to alleviate your symptoms, we can also offer this at our clinic without any waiting time.


Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome

Olecranon bursitis

Olecranon bursitis, also known as student’s elbow, is an inflammation of the bursa at the tip of the elbow.

En bursa är en geléliknande påse, en slemsäck, som innehåller en liten mängd ledvätska. Slemsäcken fungerar som smörjmedel, som oljan på cykelkedjan, och skyddar mot friktion och stötar.

Armbågsspetsen är ett mycket känsligt område eftersom det finns så få mjuka delar som skyddar själva spetsen. Det skydd som finns är framför allt slemsäcken. Det är denna slemsäck i armbågen som kan svullna upp som en följd av ett hårt slag, som när man trillar och slår i armbågarna. Det kan också ske som resultat av upprepade stötar mot armbågsspetsen, till exempel vid handboll då man faller hårt på armbågen.

Intensiv och långvarig belastning av armbågsspetsen kan också leda till inflammation i slemsäcken. Detta gäller till exempel när man stöder sig på armbågen mot ett hårt underlag under sitt arbete eller när man läser en bok eller sitter på långa föreläsningar. Därför kallas olekranonbursit också för studentarmbåge.

Olekranonbursit är relativt vanligt. Inflammationen kan i vissa fall bli infekterad av bakterier. Då blir svullnaden dessutom röd och varm. Personer som har skrubbsår, eksem eller psoriasis på armbågen eller underarmen har visat sig vara speciellt utsatta för att få en bakterieinfektion.

During inflammation, the bursa at the elbow swells and forms a small pouch. There is redness, and the area around the bursa feels tender. Most people experience pain when pressure is applied to the tip of the elbow, as well as when moving or putting weight on the elbow. Sometimes, the elbow may hurt even at rest. Typically, there is also a reduction in the range of motion in the elbow

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management.

Student’s elbow, or olecranon bursitis, is a common condition that can cause inflammation, tenderness, and pain. But don’t worry, there are effective treatments available to alleviate the discomfort.


At Elite Orthopedics, we offer various treatment options for student’s elbow. One of the most common options is cortisone injections, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain at the tip of the elbow. For those who prefer biological treatments, we also offer PRP/ACP, which can promote healing of the inflamed bursa in the elbow. Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

If surgery becomes necessary, you can rest assured that we at Elite Orthopedics can provide this at our clinic without any waiting time. We strive to give you the best care so that you can quickly return to your daily activities without pain and discomfort.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.

Osteoarthritis of the Elbow

Osteoarthritis means that the cartilage in the elbow joint has thinned and can no longer withstand the same load as it previously could.

I kroppens leder finns brosk som gör lederna stadiga och möjliggör att skelettets ben kan glida mot varandra. Ett friskt ledbrosk är fast och elastiskt och fungerar också som stötdämpare för leden.

Det finns en vanlig föreställning om att artros är en förslitning i leden, men så är det inte. Artros är en sjukdom och kan uppkomma i de flesta av kroppens större leder. Det är vanligt i till exempel knä, höft och axel, men förekommer också i armbågen. Artros innebär att brosket bryts ner snabbare än det byggs upp och det får därmed sämre hållfastighet. Brosket blir gradvis tunnare och kan till slut helt försvinna. I senare stadium påverkar artros inte bara ledbrosket utan även övriga vävnader i leden såsom skelett, ledband, ledhinna och ledvätska.

Artros i armbågen är, som all artros, en degenerativ ålderssjukdom, det vill säga att celler och vävnader i brosket förändras och försvinner med ökande ålder, vilket i sin tur gör att ledens funktion försämras. Man har även sett att tidigare brott i armbågsleden eller infektion kan medföra att armbågsleden utvecklar artros, som då även kan uppkomma i yngre ålder.

As with osteoarthritis in other joints of the body, the disease leads to stiffness in the affected joint, reduced mobility, and pain. Initially, one often experiences a dull ache from the elbow joint itself. The discomfort can come periodically or be more constant. At first, the pain is only felt during loading, but later even at rest.


In a later stage of the disease, the elbow joint can lock up, and in some cases, it is not possible to bend the hand up to the face. This often causes significant problems as one cannot comb their hair, shave, brush their teeth, and so on

Investigation of orthopedic problems involves a thorough medical history from patients, where symptoms, extent, and how they affect the patient’s daily life at work and during leisure activities are detailed. Following this, a careful clinical examination is performed, which may include the affected body part or extend to multiple joints depending on the extent of the symptoms. An ultrasound examination is then performed to confirm or rule out the clinical suspicion established during the first two steps. If the diagnosis is still not clear, the investigation is expanded with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. The patient is continuously informed about the clinical suspicion and all steps involved in the continued management

When the cartilage in the elbow thins, osteoarthritis often develops, a painful condition that causes a dull ache and stiffness, either constantly or intermittently. At Elite Orthopedics, we can offer effective treatment for elbow osteoarthritis. This includes cortisone injections, biological treatments, PRP/ACP, and stem cell therapy. If surgery is needed, we can provide this at our clinic without any waiting times.

Dr. Ferm, a specialist at Elit Ortopedi, is an expert in the use of ultrasound to ensure that injections are accurately placed in the affected area. Using ultrasound-guided injections, we can precisely locate the inflammation and administer the treatment with the highest accuracy, increasing the effectiveness and providing better results for our patients.

Rehabilitation is the cornerstone of all orthopedic treatment and is performed regardless of whether one chooses biological or surgical treatment, both before and after treatment at Elit Ortopedi. It is highly individualized as everyone has different resources, levels of motivation, and previous training experiences. The rehabilitation strategy includes weight control, work modification, and measures for well-being. In other words, rehabilitation is directly crucial for the treatment outcome.