
Discover the Power of Biological treadment with Collagen
for pain relief and functional recovery

What is Chondrogide Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Strengthen Your Extracellular Matrix with Type 1 Collagen at Elit Ortopedi.

Chondrogide is a Type 1 collagen with low molecular weight, designed to strengthen the extracellular matrix. It comes in a freeze-dried powder format to ensure maximum stability and effectiveness. This collagen supports pain reduction and restores function in major joints and muscle, tendon, and ligament structures that are primarily composed of collagen. The treatment can be used alone or in combination with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

When can treatment be used?

Reduce Pain and Restore Function with KHK Treatment At Elit Ortopedi

KHK treatment is ideal for addressing painful symptoms and loss of function in major joints and muscle, tendon, and ligament structures caused by pathological processes or trauma, including sports injuries. Common indications include:

– Osteoarthritis

– Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow

– Inflammations in Hands and Feet

– IT Band Pain and Runner’s Knee

– Pain in the Shoulder Blade

– Inflammations in the Fibula (Shinbone)

How many treatments are required?

It is individual, but when the method is used as a single treatment, three injections are usual, the first two 15 days apart and the third one month after the second injection.

What results can I expect?

Expected Improvement and Pain Relief  

The results of KHK treatment are generally very positive, with a significant improvement in symptoms for the vast majority of treated patients. You can expect a reduction in pain and a restoration of normal function in the treated areas.

Explore Biological Treatments with Us

Book a consultation to discuss our biological treatments and receive a tailored treatment plan based on your specific needs. Consultation fee: 2000 SEK.