ACP Max treadment

Treadment for osteoarthritis, muscle injuries, and inflammations.

Discover ACP Max Treatment

What is ACP Max?

ACP Max, or Autologous Concentrated Plasma Max, is a groundbreaking treatment in orthopedics that uses your own blood to stimulate healing and recovery of damaged tissues. Through a carefully executed process of separation and concentration of the blood plasma, we create a solution with an extremely high concentration of growth factors. These factors play a crucial role in the body’s natural healing process.


How Does ACP Max Work?

By injecting the concentrated plasma directly into the injured area, we can accelerate the healing process and improve the function of joints and muscles. This method is particularly effective for a range of orthopedic conditions, including osteoarthritis, tendon and ligament injuries, as well as muscle injuries.


Welcome to book a consulation regarding biological treatments, price 2000 SEK.

Benefits of ACP Max

Effective and Safe: ACP Max uses the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of side effects and allergic reactions.


– Minimally Invasive Treatment: No surgery is required, resulting in shorter recovery times and less discomfort.


– Rapid Results: Many patients experience improvements within just a few days.


– Individualized Care: The treatment is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and condition, allowing us to maximize results.


ACP Max treatment is a promising and effective method in orthopedics that can help promote healing and recovery in various musculoskeletal conditions. By harnessing the body’s natural healing processes, this treatment can be a valuable tool in helping patients regain function and quality of life after injuries and diseases in muscles and joints.

ACP Max vs PRP: What is the Difference?

ACP Max (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) are both treatments in regenerative medicine used to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration. Despite both methods involving the use of the patient’s own blood, there are important differences between them.

– Composition: ACP Max is a specialized form of PRP that has undergone a specific centrifugation process to further separate and concentrate the platelets and growth factors. This results in a higher concentration of growth factors, making ACP Max up to four times stronger than traditional PRP.

– Applications: ACP Max is more commonly used for the treatment of chronic injuries and inflammations, while PRP is more often used to promote healing of acute injuries and postoperative wounds.

Both treatments have their advantages and can be effective depending on the patient’s needs and condition. It is important to consider these differences and consult with our chief physician and specialist at Elit Ortopedi to determine which treatment is most suitable for each individual patient.

Take the First Step Towards Healing

Our team of experts at Elit Ortopedi is ready to help you create a tailored treatment plan that meets your needs. Together, we can work towards restoring your function and quality of life!

Welcome to book a consultation regarding biological treatments, price 2000 SEK